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每周四上午, 居民 are excused from clinical responsibilities to participate in the 会诊 program. 每周节目由三个部分组成:

  1. 住院医师关于整形外科核心主题的报告(上午6:45 - 7:30).m.)
  2. 教师或客座教授演讲(上午7:30至8:15).m.)
  3. 由教员或客座讲师主持的仅限居民的会议(上午8:45).m. 中午)
Dr. 与居民一起居住


The annual 约翰霍普金斯大学/University of Maryland 整形和重建外科 Symposium showcases the clinical, 教师基础科学和转化研究, 居民, 同学们. It represents the culmination of their efforts and is the department’s most important academic event of the year. 

成立于2014年,Chi-Tsung Su, M.D., Endowed Fund created an annual memorial prize to be awarded to the two best presentations at the Resident 研究 Symposium.  这些奖项颁发给优秀的学生, 表现出对基础的兴趣和职业承诺的住院医师或研究员, 整形和重建外科的转化或临床研究.

该奖项是为了纪念苏致宗先生.D., a plastic surgeon and teacher who helped create the prominent Burn Center at 约翰霍普金斯大学 Bayview Medical Center. 这些奖项的颁发是由李博士衷心和无私的慷慨所促成的. 苏致宗,苏一家,还有安·霍夫曼.



每周, resident-led在美国,教师主持的小组会议深入回顾了整形外科的主题. 轮换主题的时间安排与圆桌会议的规划相结合.


斯坦利A. 克拉斯基商业医疗保健讲师

The Business of 健康care 会诊 program explores themes such as clinical practice management, 改革立法下的领导力和医疗领域的变化. The lecture series is a collaboration between the 约翰霍普金斯大学 Department of 整形和重建外科 and the Carey School of Business. 讲座对所有教职员工和住院医师开放, 作为该系新设立的商业教育课程的组成部分.

The 2015-2017 Business of 健康care 会诊 Lectures are made possible by a gift from the Edelman-Gordon family in honor of  Stanley A. 克拉茨基米.D. 截至2018年,该讲座一直由博士赞助. 克拉茨基,他的慷慨使我成为了一名有天赋的讲师.

即将到来的计划: 学术环境中的美容诊所:结构, 财务状况, 和教育机会(通过Zoom举行)


居民们可以使用四台操作显微镜来磨练他们的 显微外科技术 使用试剂盒或动物模型. Several formal skills labs are hosted by faculty throughout the year in addition to the year-round open access.


Residents in their fifth and sixth year of clinical training take part in a rigorous mock oral examination twice a year to help prepare them for the official ABPS oral board examination.


The close proximity of the Maryland State Anatomy Board allows 居民 to take full advantage of regularly scheduled 解剖解剖 由教师和客座讲师领导. 居民可以获得各种暴露和皮瓣收获的实践经验.


一年一度的, multi-institutional flap course focused on principles and procedures related to oncologic reconstruction. 该课程每年由不同的参与机构主办, 最近一次是2015年在霍普金斯大学. 过去的参与者包括杜克大学的教职员工和住院医生, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 哈佛大学, 艾莫利大学, 北卡罗来纳大学和科罗拉多大学. 每年, 居民 are invited to attend and have the opportunity to network with faculty and 居民 while gaining valuable hands-on experience.


作为一名临床医生、研究人员和教育工作者,a. Lee Dellon是外周神经外科领域的先驱.

的一个. Lee Dellon, m.s.D., Ph.D., Lectureship in Peripheral Nerve Surgery recognizes his lifelong commitment to the profession and is an important component of resident education in our Department of 整形和重建外科. This is particularly fitting, as Dellon is a 约翰霍普金斯大学 University and school of medicine alumnus. 他自1978年以来一直在这个部门工作.

德龙捐赠讲座是由捐助者的慷慨支持,以A. Lee Dellon, m.s.D., Ph.D.外周神经外科领导基金.

客座讲师:Jonathan M. Winograd, M.D., 助理客座外科医生, 马萨诸塞州总医院, 副教授, 哈佛医学院


一个多学科, international symposium hosted by the 整形和重建外科 and Neurosurgery departments of 约翰霍普金斯大学 and 哈佛大学/MGH. The symposium features lectures by renowned leaders in the field in addition to an instructional cadaver course. 每年, 邀请居民参加研讨会, 地点在巴尔的摩和波士顿之间交替.

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