Chairman's Corner and Departmental News

Awards and Presentations

Josh Puthumana Fulbright Award

祝贺Josh Puthumana获得富布赖特-奥地利马歇尔计划基金会颁发的2024-2025学年科学与技术研究生奖! This award is a reflection of his leadership and contributions to society. 这项工作是通过美国国会每年拨付的资金,在很多情况下是通过伙伴国和私营部门的捐款来实现的. 挑选和监督富布赖特受助人的12人委员会由总统任命. 

富布赖特项目致力于增进美国人民与其他国家人民之间的相互了解. 富布赖特是世界上最大和最多样化的全球十大外围足球平台交流项目. 作为富布赖特学者,乔希将加入许多杰出项目参与者的行列. Fulbright alumni have become heads of state, judges, ambassadors, cabinet ministers, CEOs and university presidents as well as leading journalists, artists, scientist and teachers. They include 62 Nobel Laureates, 89 Pulitzer Prize winners, 80 MacArthur fellows and thousands of leaders across the private, public and nonprofit sectors. 自1946年成立以来,已有40多万富布赖特奖学金获得者参加了该项目.


Alumni smile at camera.

We finished PSTM23 with 46 presentations/posters. Great work from our students, research fellows and residents! Please see the additional awards below.   

  • Maclsaac, MF, Wright, JM, Halsey, JN, Rottgers, SA. 唇腭裂患者获得正畸治疗的障碍:对正畸医生和家庭的调查. Outstanding Paper Presentation Award, Craniomaxillofacial Session #8
  • Hassan B, Hricz N, Er S, Yoon J, Resnick E, Liang F, Manson PN, Yang R, Grant MP. 用于预测成人眶骨折修复术后复视风险计算器的开发和验证.  Outstanding Paper Presentation Award, Craniomaxillofacial Session #11.     
  • Aslami ZV, Weitzner AS, Padovano WM, Rowley EK, Ghergherehchi CL, Wu E, Suresh R, Lee EB, Tuffaha SH. 周围神经损伤治疗肌肉痉挛:了解机制和改进手术干预. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Plastic Surgery the Meeting; Oct 2023; Austin, TX. | DOI: 10.1097/01.GOX.0000992196.49362.d9. 高分医学生摘要,优秀论文展示奖,手会议#2
  • Rowley E, Zamore Z, Padovano W, Aslami Z, Weitzner A, Lee E, Tuffaha S. 初步结果:自体筋膜神经包膜作为初级神经外膜修复的辅助. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Plastic Surgery The Meeting; October 2023; Austin, Texas. Outstanding Paper Presentation Award, Hand Session #3

Johns Hopkins Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Update

An update from Dr. Richard Redett, chairman of the Johns Hopkins Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery:

整形和重建手术在约翰霍普金斯大学有着悠久而杰出的历史.  我们是世界上为数不多的专业通过其先驱的实践获得其形式和精髓的机构之一.  In 1896, 哈维·库欣(Harvey Cushing)在约翰·霍普金斯大学进行了一个多世纪以来第一次唇腭裂的手术修复, the division of plastic surgery was home to leading figures in the specialty, including John Staige Davis (considered by many to be America’s first plastic surgeon), Milton Edgerton, Jack Hoopes, Paul Manson, Andy Lee and many of our Alumni.

The division became a department in 2010 and W.P. Andrew Lee, M.D., was appointed the first Milton T. Edgerton, M.D.约翰霍普金斯大学整形与重建外科教授兼主任. The department set forth under the motto of “Teamwork, Collaboration, Mentorship, and Innovation,” and that continues to guide our approaches in patient care, resident and fellow training and cutting-edge research. Over the past year and a half, we have focused on expanding the research portfolio, 加强我们的多学科临床项目,加强住院医师和奖学金项目.

Dr. Redett speaks with fellow physicians.

医学部继续追求卓越,并在推荐十大正规网赌平台护理方面不断推动创新和合作, education and research.  We have 25 amazing faculty, 30 residents, 8 fellows and many staff with diverse interests and areas of expertise.  我们的教师在整形外科领域拥有一些最具创新精神和开拓精神的人才, and through their efforts, 我们系在组织工程方面的转化发现呈指数级增长, peripheral nerve regeneration, neuro-cranial technology and vascularized composite allotransplantation, opening up an entirely new array of treatment options for complex reconstructive problems.  基于我们十年来安全有效地进行了一些最复杂的血管化复合同种异体移植, 我们正在与其他部门合作,扩大我们的项目,为有复杂重建挑战的患者提供新型移植.

该部门将继续通过对研究的重点投资来获得国家认可, education and clinical care.  Our vision includes strengthening our translational, basic science and clinical research programs that are integrated with patient care.  我们将进一步发展我们的专业卓越中心,代表我们部门的优势,包括乳房, burns, transgender, peripheral nerve and hand, Neuroplastic surgery, craniomaxillofacial surgery and vascularized composite allotransplantation.  Our Department will 1) be heavily invested in outcomes measurements, 2)成为跨学科合作研究的典范,3)被视为在学术医疗中心提供整形和重建手术护理的最佳实践的领导者.  我们将努力建立一个模范和多样化的教职员工,并支持卓越和发现的机构核心价值观, leadership and integrity, diversity and inclusion, respect and collegiality.  我们的目标是继续建立住院医师教育和推荐十大正规网赌平台护理的创新模式,并进一步加强我们的前沿研究项目,以最好地服务于我们所有的社区.

Dr. Redett and two other physicians discussing a chart on the wall.

This is an exciting time for plastic and reconstructive surgery at Johns Hopkins. 我们有丰富的传统和历史,并在过去的领导下建立了坚实的基础.  我们联合约翰霍普金斯大学和马里兰大学的整形外科住院医师培训是国内首屈一指的培训项目之一,我们将继续努力吸引最优秀、最聪明的住院医师,他们将成为下一代外科医生的领导者.  

Even through the current unprecedented time of COVID 19, 我为我们共同取得的成就感到自豪,并相信我们在未来五年采取的行动将对塑造部门的光明未来和长期前景至关重要.  I am confident that strong leadership and most importantly, fostering the development of a group of diverse, innovative and energetic surgeons, 拥有共同愿景和核心价值观的住院医生和工作人员将使我们成为国内领先的整形和重建外科部门之一.
