baby with cleft palate
baby with cleft palate
baby with cleft palate

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

唇裂和腭裂是儿童最常见的先天性面部畸形. 当面部和口腔的组织和骨骼没有正确融合时,就会出现这些差异, resulting in a space in the upper lip and/or palate.

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Causes

唇腭裂的确切原因尚不完全清楚. Some evidence suggests the conditions may be genetic. 另一项研究表明,遗传和环境因素共同影响母亲在怀孕期间,包括吸烟, diabetes or the use of certain medications — could be connected. Genetic consultation may be suggested.

然而,一些唇腭裂病例可能与遗传或环境因素无关. 这些病例的病因尚不清楚,而且往往无法预防.

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Complications

Beyond the cosmetic abnormality, 其他可能与唇腭裂有关的并发症包括:

  • Feeding difficulties. 腭裂畸形患者更容易出现进食困难. 婴儿可能无法正常吮吸,因为上颚尚未完全形成.
  • Ear infections and hearing loss. 耳部感染通常是由于连接中耳和喉咙的管道功能障碍引起的. Recurrent infections can lead to hearing loss.
  • Speech and language delay. Due to the opening of the roof of the mouth and the lip, muscle function may be decreased, which can lead to a delay in speech or abnormal speech. 向你的医生咨询语言治疗师是否适合你的孩子.
  • Dental problems. As a result of the abnormalities, 牙齿可能发育不正常,需要进行正畸治疗.


Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Treatment

唇腭裂手术都是在全麻下在医院进行的, and usually require a stay of at least one night.

Cleft Lip Surgery

For most infants with cleft lip, 你的孩子的外科医生可以在出生后的头几个月内修复异常. To repair a cleft lip, 整形外科医生用一种特殊的技术把两边的嘴唇缝合在一起, leaving a scar that blends into the lip. The goal of this procedure is to fix the separation of the lip. Sometimes, a second operation is needed.

What to expect following cleft lip surgery

Discomfort or Pain

  • Children may be irritable following surgery, but will be prescribed pain medications to help with this. After two to three days, 孩子会感觉更舒服,应该只需要非阿司匹林止痛药, which can be discontinued after a few additional days.
  • 他们可能必须戴上软垫的手臂约束,以防止他们将手放在嘴里并伤害手术区域. 儿童的缝线可能会溶解,或者在手术后5到7天就会被拆线. 切口周围出现肿胀、瘀伤和出血是正常的.

Eating and Drinking

  • During surgery and afterward, 孩子将有静脉(IV)导管提供液体,直到他们能够通过口喝足够的液体.
  • 护理小组将提供手术后喂养孩子的指导.


  • 唇疤会随着时间的推移逐渐淡化,但永远不会完全消失.

Cleft Palate Surgery

腭裂修复通常在6到18个月大的孩子之间进行. This is a more complicated surgery, 当婴儿长大,能够更好地忍受手术时,就可以进行手术. 你孩子的医生会告诉你手术的确切时间. To repair a cleft palate, 整形外科医生用口腔两侧的组织来填补空隙. A second operation may be required.

At your first visit with the plastic surgeon, he or she will explain the details of the surgery, risks, complications, costs, recovery time and outcomes.

What to expect following cleft palate surgery

Discomfort or Pain

Cleft palate surgery is more involved than lip surgery, and patients often have greater discomfort afterward. 推荐十大正规网赌平台会在开了止痛药的处方后出院回家.

手术后可能会有鼻口出血, which will decrease in one or two days. Many infants have nasal congestion after surgery. 症状包括打鼾、用嘴呼吸和食欲下降.

Eating and Drinking

术后2 ~ 3天不能正常饮食. 孩子将有一个静脉导管,用于止痛药和液体,直到他们能够喝足够的液体.

每瓶或每餐后应提供少量水以清洁切口. 根据手术后的喂养情况,孩子可能会在医院呆一到两天.

整形外科医生可能会建议孩子在手术后的四周内吃软性食物. Breast milk and formula are approved to drink after surgery. For older children, appropriate foods include baby foods, popsicles, yogurt, mashed potatoes, gelatin and other foods of similar consistencies.

Stitches and Healing

孩子的上颚会有缝线,缝线会自行溶解. 他们可能必须戴上软垫的手臂约束,以防止他们将手放在嘴里并伤害手术区域.

手术后,孩子的舌头上可能会有针脚,鼻子里可能会有管子. This is in case they develop a swollen tongue. 如果肿胀很小,将在手术后的第二天移除.

The child can walk or play calmly after surgery, but should not engage in rough play or contact sports. 在手术后的一个月内,他们不应该把玩具或其他东西放进嘴里. 孩子的护理团队会通知你什么时候可以让你的孩子回到以前的活动中去.

Cleft and Craniofacial Care at Johns Hopkins Medicine

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